
The Best of 2008

With the year end fast approaching, the “Best of..2008” and the “Worst of..2008” lists are pouring in. We bring you a few of those lists in today’s blog.

Starting off, a list of the “Best Illustrated Children’s Books 2008” from the New York Times website. A slideshow gives us a peek into the books that made the list and a review of the book is also available for those who might want to grab a copy of it.In another article, “Highlights of 2008“, we find out what took place in the world of digital publishing this year.

Something changed in 2008. For the better. Obviously not the global economy, no, rather I am talking about the publics attitude and awareness of ebooks. Anecdotally I have been amazed at the transformation of ebooks in people’s perceptions from soulless book killers to the saviour of holiday reading; from impossible, unworkable uber-geek niche, to mass-market Oprah promoted consumer phenomenon.

Amazon also gives out its list of the Top 10 books for teens this year.

And the Brittanica brings you “The Ten Must-Have Reference Books of 2008“. Oxford Atlas of the World, The Making of Mr. Gray’s Anatomy, Hanging with Bats and The Elvis Encyclopedia are some of the books that made this list.What book did you fall in love with this year?



  1. Anonymous December 31, 2008

    This year, I came across jewels such as Kunal Basu’s The Miniaturist, As Byatt’s Elementals, Elizabeth Kostova’s The Historian and many more to name. What I loved about each of these books are their lyrical compositions, their attention to details, vibrantly evocative visual imagery and the fine ability of the authora to take the reader’s hands into their own and take them for an unforgettable walk…
    – Furry-byter

  2. Adam January 4, 2009

    There is an excellent children’s book called Other People’s Shoes. It does a great job of teaching kids the importance of kindness inside of a very captivating story. You should check it out! Here is a link: http://www.eloquentbooks.com/otherpeoplesshoes.html


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